As most readers are already well aware, the global situation with the coronavirus and COVID-19 warrants extreme measures. Countries, industries and companies are changing their outlook and approaches to dealing with the realities we are now facing. Humanity is simultaneously separating ourselves with social distancing, and coming together in unity to combat this virus. As a modern healthcare provider, Mojo SportClinic is proud to do its part, both in regards to definitive actions and education of our customers and colleagues.
For several months, we at Mojo SportClinic have been working hard to develop an on-line, fully remote Physical Therapy diagnosis and treatment methodology. Our unique approach to Physical Therapy, coupled with use of technology from leading SaaS technology providers, has allowed us to bring Remote Physical Therapy to our customers. We are excited to launch this new treatment approach in order to better serve our customers, especially in today’s challenged and rapidly changing global environment.
To our current customers, we share this new approach with you. Feel free to continue your care by using the Reserve Your Spot tool on our website, and select “Physical Therapy – Remote”. This path to treatment will leverage Apple’s FaceTime app to bring you face to face with our Physical Therapists and Techs. We have found this approach to be capable of delivering a very large percentage of our diagnostic and treatment methods. While there are still some treatments that can only take place in person, we believe that suitable alternatives can be used to make up that gap. At the same time, the benefits of Remote Physical Therapy are yours to enjoy, such as continuing proper isolation and social distancing, and other comforts of remaining in your own home.
These are truly unprecedented times, and such times call for unprecedented solutions. We count ourselves blessed to be living in a world where technology has become advanced and ubiquitous such that solutions such as Remote Physical Therapy can quickly become a reality. As we always say, here at Mojo SportClinic, we are here for you! And now we will also be here with you, remotely.