Hello Mojo!
Mojo SportClinic is all about Physical Therapy Athletes Love! The Physical Therapy industry is at least an $80 billion industry in the USA alone. Thousands of small Physical Therapy clinics and individual therapists are already faithfully serving our great nation. But here at Mojo, our vision is to do it differently, and to intentionally serve a subset of our population. Specifically, we want to create an environment that is pretty much the polar opposite of a hospital or emergency room.
Don’t get us wrong – we are extremely glad that emergency rooms exist! But here we are all about Physical Therapy and Sports Therapy. As such, we want our clinical environment to be free of needles, blood, stethoscopes and strange chemical smells. At the same time and paradoxically, along with emergency rooms we share the mission of helping people in pain. We want our environment to literally scream “health!” We want to help people enjoy healing that comes from the advanced Physical Therapy techniques and understanding that we have to offer.
About Us

Alan Neveu, Executive Director
Allow me to introduce myself… I’m Alan Neveu, and I’m the Executive Director here at Mojo SportClinic. Along with my long-time, expert physical therapist, Jon Duplessis and his amazingly energetic and talented wife Louise Duplessis, we have created this new concept in Physical Therapy and Sports Therapy. Jon treated me for 10 years for over a dozen various injuries related to weight lighting and tennis, and I have always been amazed with his depth of knowledge and incredible intuitive understanding of the human body. These experiences, along with no longer being a 20-something-year-old, have caused me to rally us all together to create this new venture.

Jon Duplessis, Chief Therapist
Our Chief Therapist, Jon Duplessis, often says, “Everyone is an athlete — only our level of sport differs.” By this he means that whether our sport is at the professional level, the recreational level, or even just walking to the mailbox twice a day, we can have the same advanced care that is available to elite athletes. Our mission is to offer Physical Therapy that athletes love, and to make it available to all, no matter what level of athlete they are.
We Are Here For You
Please take some time to read through our website. Visit our Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google Business sites. And then just come check out our beautiful and easily-accessible location in Mayfaire Town Center. We take walk-ins, so just come say hello when you can. We are here for you, and we are excited to begin this mission of delivering Physical Therapy Athletes Love!